Feb 28, 2011

Finalize Wedding Date: Checked!

It has been more than a month since we've been engaged. Honestly, nothing much had changed in our day to day situation except for me wearing a ring everyday. :)

H2B let me choose our wedding date, with just a few restrictions..no November, December or January. Due to personal preference, h2b do not like the idea of having our anniversary in November. On the other hand, December and January can be considered peak months so it might be quite harder (and more expensive) to book suppliers for those dates. Plus it is too near to Christmas, meaning ballooning expenses in just one season alone.

Since we planned to have a beach wedding, summer would be the best time. We thought of either March or April since those are the months with the least chance of having a rainy wedding day. We first thought of having it on a April 7 which is Black Saturday next year. This is mainly because of the guests coming from Singapore. Singapore considers Good Friday as a Public Holiday, so guests can fly in on that day with no filed leave. hehehe.. But I guess some might find it awkward to have it on Black Saturday. Plus we also thought that if we need to run for last minute errands, everyone is on holiday mode already as early as Wednesday or Thursday before our wedding. So the final decision is.. March 31, 2012! This might also give us more time to spend with family or friends after the wedding....Bora anyone? :)


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