Mar 2, 2011

Photographer and Videographer: Check!

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We are quite surprised that couples now back home starts their wedding preps way ahead (as in way, way, way ahead!). Some of them have booked their suppliers as early as 2 years prior to their big day. This alerted us big time!

Since we got our wedding location confirmed, it is now time to scout for our photographer and videographer. These two are in the list of our top priorities. Top priority for us means that we are okay to splurge a little bit to get the service that we want. Besides, P/V would be one of the few things that will be left even after the wedding. H2B have the final go signal for our P/V suppliers. Being a hobbyist himself, it is understandable why he is quite particular on these two. I suggested a few suppliers to him but he is only keen to these few.

Mayad Studios

Mimi and Karl
Pat Dy
Metro Photo

Yes.. he only wants Mayad. Period.
I asked him to look for other options as well just in case they are not available on our wedding date. I suggested a few but I always get the "ok lang" remark.

After a week of trying to contact them we finally got the good news. They are still available!! We immediately booked and confirmed their services, no further questions asked. We got their standard video coverage package with SDE included.

For the photographer, We spent a few nights browsing through various sites (list of potential suppliers came from W@W of course). As mentioned, H2B is initially interested with those 3 suppliers mentioned. But after a few days without reply from any of them, we started looking again. Then I came across Jay Jay's name in W@W. He is an Imagine Nation photographer. I checked his site and I liked what we saw and luckily H2B agreed. Even if he is affiliated with the Imagine Nation brand, I still want to check for co-W@Wies' reviews on his service. So far, I have yet to find a negative feedback to his works and attitude. The best thing about him is he is amazingly fast in replying to my emails! He sent his rates the same night and found out that his rates are still within our budget. His package also includes an engagement styling option. We do not plan on having an engagement stylist for our prenp session but since there is this option..why not! :) We will be having his services only + prenup and styling. yey!

Btw, His business partner is also his life partner and they are also getting married soon! She is Feliz Diestro of Lifestyle by Feliz. Here are some of her sample works.


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